LEIT test at Aminpro

At Aminpro we perform the LEIT: Low Energy Impact Test). This impact test is based on the crushability test developed by Bond, which allows the calculation of the actual power requirements for crushing in terms of the ImpactWork index.

The equipment consists of two pendulum-mounted hammers that simultaneously and evenly hit the rock sample. The LEIT test is performed on ten or more representative ore samples in order to obtain statistically significant results.

The results obtained with this test allow designing and dimensioning the crushers needed, identify geometallurgical units with different hardness, estimate the energy requirement of the crushing plant, among others.

If you are looking for more information about our comminution tests, do not hesitate to contact us.


Many talk about Geometallurgy – At Aminpro we do Geometallurgy

What is Geometallurgy?

Geometallurgy is a discipline that combines geology, mining and metallurgy, in order to generate models to predict the metallurgical response of the minerals prior to their extraction. These models allow establishing business optimization strategies with a holistic view of the process, in contrast to the classical approach that optimized the mining and metallurgical processes separately.

The geometallurgical process consists, in general terms, of sampling (preferably drill cores) that match some classification of lithology and alteration in the mining plan to be characterized by laboratory metallurgical tests. The geological and metallurgical results obtained are incorporated into the geostatistical modelling, the block model and the mining plan based on a mining economic sequence metallurgical. The process described is quite complex and involves several iterations and levels of detail, depending on the level of certainty required.

Fig. 1: Aminpro‘s experience in geometallurgical campaigns.

At Aminpro we understand this process, as we have supported the geometallurgical campaigns of several companies worldwide, as seen in Fig. 1. Our role begins at sample selection, a key step in ensuring the representativeness of the results. Our sample selection methodology aims to make the average and standard deviation of the grades of at least two chemical elements similar between the In-Situ data and the sub-samples selected for metallurgical testing. This same criterion is considered when compositing samples to represent Geometallurgical Units (GMUs).

Once the samples have been selected, both for variability analysis and for the representative composites of each GMU, the metallurgical testing campaign begins. At Aminpro we offer industry-standard and other modified tests of our own, aimed at investigating the hardness of minerals, their flotation kinetics and rheological behaviour of the tailings to be generated. Table 1 shows some of the tests we commonly run in geometallurgical campaigns.

Table 1: Geometallurgical test carried out at Aminpro
ComminutionBond TestStandard test for Wi hardness index for conventional grinding
Mini BondTest developed by Aminpro especially for geometallurgical campaigns. It requires considerably less sample and processing time than the standard Bond Test, which significantly reduces its cost, allowing more samples to be characterized, reducing uncertainty and error
SPIStandard hardness test for SAG mills
Mini SGITest developed by Aminpro especially for geometallurgical campaigns that allows characterizing the energy consumption of SAG grinding at a lower cost and with less sample
JKDWTJKTech specific fracturing test for SAG mills
SMCJKTech specific SAG and HPGR hardness test
FlotationStandard Kinetic TestStandard flotation test that characterizes the flotation kinetics of a mineral
SKTSimple Kinetic Test developed by Aminpro especially to feed the AminFloat flotation model
FKTFull Kinetic Test, with the characterization of flotation kinetics by size fraction, developed to feed the Aminfloat flotation model
Cycle TestFlotation test that allows the study of the response of different cell configurations
Tailings ManagementSedScan TestAutomatic test developed by Tailpro in collaboration with Aminpro, for measuring the solid-liquid and liquid-liquid separation of pulps

Finally, the process production sequences are modelled using all the results of metallurgical tests according to the sequence of the run-of-mine, generating a production forecast, with the costs and incomes from the sale of concentrates. Our AminFloat simulator is used in the feasibility stage to economically optimize the design criteria of various circuits. As a result, we provide the client with a report with metallurgical performance estimates for the first years of operation that allows justifying the financing of the project.

If you are looking for more information about our work in Geometallurgy, do not hesitate to contact us.


Did you know that Aminpro conducts Cobalt metallurgical tests?

Cobalt is a relatively scarce ferromagnetic metal, mainly used in high-performance super alloys and in the glass and ceramic industries, providing a distinctive blue color. However, its importance today lies in its use for the manufacture of battery electrodes for electric cars, which has increased its demand and price  considerably, reaching today a value of US$ 33,000 per tonne, after a historic peak  in 2018, at around US$ 90,000 per tonne.

Fig. 1: Cobalt historic price (US$/tonne) – Source: tradingeconomics.com

Cobalt is mainly extracted from copper and nickel mines, with the Democratic Republic of the Congo being the main producer. But the political instability of that country, coupled with the growing demand (as shown in Fig. 2) has led to the search for this metal in other countries, presenting itself as a great opportunity for other copper-producing countries, such as Chile, Peru, Australia and Canada.

Fig. 2: Global cobalt supply and demand forecast – Source: investorintel.com

At Aminpro we are currently conducting various flotation tests of copper-cobalt minerals from pyrite-rich Scavenger tailings, both at laboratory- and pilot-scale. After experimenting with several operating conditions, we will move on to a stage of operating optimization, which will then be complemented by simulations of different flotation circuits, to finally validate them in the pilot plant.


If you need more information about our work with Cobalt, contact us!

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Aminpro has joined the 10xChallenge

Chile is undergoing a period of intense and historical social unrest, mainly motivated by large economic inequality.

It is in this context that Aminpro has decided to join the 10xChallenge, agreeing to reduce the gap between its maximum and minimum salary to just 10 times.

We have done a collective effort and we have agreed on a long term commitment. By joining the 10xChallenge we seek to promote the sustainable development of our company, for our workers and stakeholders.  We invite our collaborators, clients, and partners to join this initiative.

Alex Carvajal
General Manager

This agreement will position Aminpro as an innovative company that is deeply involved with the society, constantly seeking to improve the quality of life of its workers and partners.

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Aminpro has a new Technical and Sales Manager

Aminpro gives a warm welcome to our new Technical and Sales Manager: Max Valenzuela. Max is a metallurgical engineer from Universidad de Santiago de Chile, with more than 30 years of experience. In that time he has become an expert engineer in comminution and mineral concentration processes.

During his career he has fuflfiled many roles in the mining and metallurgical business, in companies such as: Centro de Investigación Minera Metalgúrgica (CIMM), Yáñez y Valenzuela Ingeniería, Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Minería y Metalurgia (IM2), among others.

We are confident that bringing Max Valenzuela into our team will strengthen the position of  Aminpro in the southamerican market.

Alex Carvajal
General Manager

Get more information about Our Team.

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Aminpro presented at Procemin Geomet 2019

Aminpro is well known for being an innovative company, where research and development of new metallurgical methodologies, equipment, tests and protocols are of great importance.

Given that, 2 of our engineers presented research works at Procemin Geomet 2019, which took place at the Sheraton Hotel in Chile last week. In that international conference, we presented two works related to milling and flotation process.

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Aminpro’s participation began on the Thursday 21st of Novembre, with the presentation of Patricio Berrio, Chief of Engineering, titled “The MiniBond test: description, calibration and sources of error”.

The MiniBond offers a more accessible alternative for the generation of geometallurgical data, allowing to include the Bond Work Index in the block models at a lower cost and in less time than the standard Bond test

.On Friday, our Senior Engineer David Barriga presented the work titled “Pilot-scale of Cu-Mo separation as a tool for industrial plant design”, showing the benefits of carrying out pilot-scale tests to compare with the simulation data, in order to generate a better industrial plant design

Pilot-scale tests allow to reduce the risk and uncertainty related to the construction and operation of new industrial plants


Aminpro’s engineers and operators under training

In Aminpro we believe in continuous development. Therefore, we are constantly training our personnel, in order to be in a position to offer the best service to our clients

The first week of november we received an official trainer from JKTech, who trained and certified our operators to carry out the JK Drop Weight test and the  SMC.

Our personnel has been trained and certified under the highest international standards for the correct completion of milling and crushing tests

This training does not only ensure the highest technical and safety standards, but also certifies that Aminpro operators have the same level of training than JKTech operators for the development of those tests.


Aminpro was the official sponsor for the SEG student trip in Peru

Aminpro was one of the <strong>official sponsors</strong> of the SEG fieldtrip orginised by the students of Geology and Geophysics from Imperial College London, who traveled from the United Kingdom to visit several mining operations in Peru.


Our Business Developer Diego Mesa presented at the SEG Symposium, organised by student of Imperial College London and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

The students, guided by our Business Developer, visited:

  • Cerro Lindo mine: Cu-Zn-Pb VMS
  • Pisco smelter: Sn
  • Rio Seco Processing Plant: Mn
  • Uchucchacua mine: Ag-Mn-Pb-Zn Skarn
  • Cerro Verde mine: Cu-Mo Porphyry
  • Cuajone mine: Cu-Mo Porphyry
  • Toquepala mine: Cu-Mo Porphyry
  • Pucamarca mine: Au-Ag Epitherma

The final report developed by the students can be downloaded here.


Aminpro visited several mining companies in Peru

Aminpro is a multinational company. We have carried out projects in the 5 continents, involved in the design and optimization of plants, as well as performing metallurgical tests in our laboratories.

Peru is a big mining country. 58% of their exports this year are mining products. Peru is the second world producer of copper and gold, and the third producer of tin, zinc, tellurium, bismuth and lead. It is for those reasons that as Aminpro we want to keep supporting the proper operation of many metallurgical plants in Peru and continue assisting in the optimization of their processes.


During the last week of June, a team of engineers from Aminpro visited the offices of several companies in Peru, such as Las Bambas, Antapaccay, Goldfields Perú, Chinalco Toromocho, San Rafael, among others. In those meeting we presented our methodologies and geometallurgical models, as well as discussing the capabilities of our metallurgical laboratory and pilot plant, being well received and generating interest in many companies.

In our laboratory in Chile, we have already carried out several projects for international operations, including Peruvian companies. We have shown that long-distance does not actually matter in this globalised world.

If your company needs metallurgical support, don’t hesitate and contact us.


Aminpro increased copper recovery in 8 percentage points

Aminpro performed column leaching tests for Antilla mining project, owned by Panoro Minerals.

Antilla project considers leaching over 117 Mton of secondary copper sulfides. Previous tests carried out by the company showed copper recoveries of 72,5% in 200 days of processing.

Aminpro engineers managed to obtain copper recoveries close to 80% in just 150 days of column leaching.

The President & CEO of Antilla project, Luquman Shaheen, was happy with our results:

“The results of the column-leaching experimental programme have shown a significative growth potential for the economy of Antila project”

These results were highlighted by the specialised press in Peru, as can be seen in this magazine article of  Rumbo Minero.

If you are looking for increasing the productivity of your metallurgical process, contact us!