
Aminpro gave a talk on a webinar for clients in Central America

Aminpro was invited by Anminco to give a talk on a free webinar for clients in Central America. Our Laboratory Chief Engineer, Esteban Rodríguez, talked about the added value of metallurgical tests for the development and evaluation of mining projects.


The talk was very well received by the participants, who congratulated the organisation and our company. You can find the presentation (in Spanish only) here.

If you require more information about our work, please contact us.

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Aminpro is at Procemin-Geomet 2020

Aminpro is part of Procemin-Geomet 2020, represented by Diego Mesa, our R&D Specialist, and Patricio Berríos, Chief of Engineering and Quality. This Thursday 26th of November they will be participating in the panel “Mineral Processing – Data analytics, modelling and optimisation”, where they’ll be answering questions about the work titled “Reprocessing of historic tailings – three Chilean case studies”.

In this work, they analysed the conceptual engineering of three Chilean projects that involve the reprocessing of tailings, and on which Aminpro was hired as consultants. Different problems and strategies are evaluated, considering particle size, pH, reagents and even different concentration methods such as flotation (for primary and secondary copper) and magnetic concentration (for a magnetite concentration project). The results are discussed from a metallurgical and economic perspective, using the software Aminfloat.

You can download the paper here, and watch the video-presentation next (video presented in Spanish).

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Aminpro presented at Procemin Geomet 2019

Aminpro is well known for being an innovative company, where research and development of new metallurgical methodologies, equipment, tests and protocols are of great importance.

Given that, 2 of our engineers presented research works at Procemin Geomet 2019, which took place at the Sheraton Hotel in Chile last week. In that international conference, we presented two works related to milling and flotation process.

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Aminpro’s participation began on the Thursday 21st of Novembre, with the presentation of Patricio Berrio, Chief of Engineering, titled “The MiniBond test: description, calibration and sources of error”.

The MiniBond offers a more accessible alternative for the generation of geometallurgical data, allowing to include the Bond Work Index in the block models at a lower cost and in less time than the standard Bond test

.On Friday, our Senior Engineer David Barriga presented the work titled “Pilot-scale of Cu-Mo separation as a tool for industrial plant design”, showing the benefits of carrying out pilot-scale tests to compare with the simulation data, in order to generate a better industrial plant design

Pilot-scale tests allow to reduce the risk and uncertainty related to the construction and operation of new industrial plants


Aminpro was the official sponsor for the SEG student trip in Peru

Aminpro was one of the <strong>official sponsors</strong> of the SEG fieldtrip orginised by the students of Geology and Geophysics from Imperial College London, who traveled from the United Kingdom to visit several mining operations in Peru.


Our Business Developer Diego Mesa presented at the SEG Symposium, organised by student of Imperial College London and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

The students, guided by our Business Developer, visited:

  • Cerro Lindo mine: Cu-Zn-Pb VMS
  • Pisco smelter: Sn
  • Rio Seco Processing Plant: Mn
  • Uchucchacua mine: Ag-Mn-Pb-Zn Skarn
  • Cerro Verde mine: Cu-Mo Porphyry
  • Cuajone mine: Cu-Mo Porphyry
  • Toquepala mine: Cu-Mo Porphyry
  • Pucamarca mine: Au-Ag Epitherma

The final report developed by the students can be downloaded here.


Aminpro presented at the XVII Peruvian Congress of Geology

Lima, Peru – Mr. Peter Amelunxen, President of Aminpro Peru, presented at the XVII Peruvian Geological Congress sponsored by the Geological Society of Peru. The conference was held from October 12 to 15, 2014 in Lima, Peru. Mr. Amelunxen’s presentation took place in the special session devoted to geometallurgy. The title was “On the Cost and Value of Geometallurgy.”

More info at www.congresosgp.com.


Aminpro presents Geometallurgy Workshop in the Diploma in Geometallurgy of the PUCP

Lima, Peru – Eng. Peter Amelunxen, President of Aminpro Peru, dictated the geometallurgy workshop as part of the Diploma in Geometallurgy of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). More than 30 participants from different mining companies, laboratories, and engineering and consulting companies participated in the workshop. The workshop was held on July 6, 2014 and was sponsored by the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the PUCP.

For mor info, visit pucp.edu.pe.


Aminpro presented at XXVII International Congress of Mineral Processing (IMPC 2014)

Santiago, Chile – The Senior Engineer of Aminpro, Dr. Gerson Sandoval, presented at the XVII International Congress of Mineral Processing (IMPC 2014). The conference was held in Santiago de Chile between October 20 and 24, 2014. IMPC is one of the largest and most prestigious conferences dedicated to mineral processing, and was attended by more than 1,000 participants from over 60 countries. The work of Dr. Sandoval and colleagues is about the effects of hydraulic drag in laboratory flotation tests.

For more information visit impc2014.org.