Max Valenzuela2

Aminpro has a new Technical and Sales Manager

Aminpro gives a warm welcome to our new Technical and Sales Manager: Max Valenzuela. Max is a metallurgical engineer from Universidad de Santiago de Chile, with more than 30 years of experience. In that time he has become an expert engineer in comminution and mineral concentration processes.

During his career he has fuflfiled many roles in the mining and metallurgical business, in companies such as: Centro de Investigación Minera Metalgúrgica (CIMM), Yáñez y Valenzuela Ingeniería, Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Minería y Metalurgia (IM2), among others.

We are confident that bringing Max Valenzuela into our team will strengthen the position of  Aminpro in the southamerican market.

Alex Carvajal
General Manager

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Aminpro visited several mining companies in Peru

Aminpro is a multinational company. We have carried out projects in the 5 continents, involved in the design and optimization of plants, as well as performing metallurgical tests in our laboratories.

Peru is a big mining country. 58% of their exports this year are mining products. Peru is the second world producer of copper and gold, and the third producer of tin, zinc, tellurium, bismuth and lead. It is for those reasons that as Aminpro we want to keep supporting the proper operation of many metallurgical plants in Peru and continue assisting in the optimization of their processes.


During the last week of June, a team of engineers from Aminpro visited the offices of several companies in Peru, such as Las Bambas, Antapaccay, Goldfields Perú, Chinalco Toromocho, San Rafael, among others. In those meeting we presented our methodologies and geometallurgical models, as well as discussing the capabilities of our metallurgical laboratory and pilot plant, being well received and generating interest in many companies.

In our laboratory in Chile, we have already carried out several projects for international operations, including Peruvian companies. We have shown that long-distance does not actually matter in this globalised world.

If your company needs metallurgical support, don’t hesitate and contact us.