We have experience in the operation, modelling and optimization of the top 30 concentration plants in the world
We understand that each concentrator plant has specific mineralogical and operational characteristics
The best way to identify problems in metallurgical plants is to visit them
Sampling and Balances
In Aminpro we understand the importance of metallurgical balances. These must be correct and reliable, so we have developed a service of metallurgical sampling and plant monitoring.
We perform sampling of the crushers, mills, flotation circuits, leaching piles and tailing ducts and dams.
Throughout the life of a concentrator plant, many changes occur and accumulate. Changes in the operational philosophy, infrastructure and equipment lead to the initial design having little in common with the present operating plant. Moreover, science and technology keep moving forward every day, providing new models, new reagents and new operational paradigms that can improve the results of metallurgical operations.
At Aminpro we offer optimization services for comminution and flotation circuit in order to identify bottlenecks and/or operational problems. Thus, we look for improving both the operational conditions and the equipment configurations, in order to maximize the profit.
Flowsheet design
We provide services for the technical and economical design of grinding and flotation circuits, validated through metallurgical testing and phenomenological models, in order to obtain the maximum economic benefit from a mining operation.
We develop consistent solutions for every particular need.
We understand the changes in production and operating conditions. Due to that, we can help identify and minimize bottlenecks, security risks, and production stoppages.
- We provide on-site audit service.
- Evaluation of historical data of your plant.
- Benchmarking with our historical database.
- Due diligence for Greenfield and Brownfield projects.
Although each plant is different, all of them are competing in the same market, so it is always necessary to know how we’re doing compared to others. The same applies in the correct choice of reagents, frothers and other variables that influence the optimal plant operation.
Aminpro has an extensive database of different mineral processing plants in the 6 continents. This information allows us to conduct comparative studies quickly.