Presentacion Aminpro Procemin 2

Aminpro is at Procemin-Geomet 2020

Aminpro is part of Procemin-Geomet 2020, represented by Diego Mesa, our R&D Specialist, and Patricio Berríos, Chief of Engineering and Quality. This Thursday 26th of November they will be participating in the panel “Mineral Processing – Data analytics, modelling and optimisation”, where they’ll be answering questions about the work titled “Reprocessing of historic tailings – three Chilean case studies”.

In this work, they analysed the conceptual engineering of three Chilean projects that involve the reprocessing of tailings, and on which Aminpro was hired as consultants. Different problems and strategies are evaluated, considering particle size, pH, reagents and even different concentration methods such as flotation (for primary and secondary copper) and magnetic concentration (for a magnetite concentration project). The results are discussed from a metallurgical and economic perspective, using the software Aminfloat.

You can download the paper here, and watch the video-presentation next (video presented in Spanish).